Friday, October 9, 2015


It is so Strange that in World successful Businesses make Arrangement that where there are customers they put their services and PIA and Civil Aviations is those Departments and Organization of Pakistan Government who will put their services where there is no Businesses  , result is Obvious that they are loosing the Money and are not Making Money .

lets Analyze where are we getting the Passengers , and where is the Load and who are travel ors who make an Airline Profitable . Some of the Facts of profits as are as follows

1.  International travelers are more profitable as compared to domestic Routes .

2.  Not Allowing Foreign Airlines Places in Domestic Market and controlling the Air space so that Local Airlines get the Most Profit and Especially the PIA should be Given Priority in Air Space Allocation and Allocation of Routes .

3. Control of Air Cargo Domestic and International Air Cargo Business and Maintaining Monopoly on these Sectors as Air cargo is very Profitable

4. Selection of  Airports where there is Load Like Peshawar where there is a lot of load of People going to Middle East as Labor and from Karachi where there is a lot of International Passengers .

5. Selecting Aircrafts that are Fuel Efficient on Domestic Routes and International as fuel Bill is 50% of Total Airline budget.

6. Decreasing Top Heavy Management and Decreasing GM and Directors of PIA and CAA as Emirates with 500 Aircrafts has only 3 Directors while PIA with 50 Aircraft has 15 to 20 Directors , almost three times the Average and Each Director Take home Salary is equal to about 500 Employees of PIA .

7. Retirement Age of PIA employee should be Decreased to 60 and those on Extension should be sent home Immediately home and those Contractual Employees and daily Wages should be laid off and Smart management Practices employees and paper based jobs should be stopped and only Computer Based Email systems be used . Even the Employee pay Role is not more then 15% of PIA expenses so Extra employees are not burden it is actually the Directors and Manager who are Burden who are Sons of Politicians and Army generals who are making money for doing Nothing in PIA .

8 . No Penalty on refund of Tickets by PIA even when they are canceled just a Few minutes before the Actual Booked Flight while the Middle Eastern Airlines and Local Private Airlines like Air Blue and Shahheen Airline  Deduct , 50%-75%  of Money for no Show and cancellation of Seat within 24 Hours of the Flight , PIA is the Unique Airline you don't loose your money if you cancel your Flight within 24 Hours of the Flight and this facility is extended to the Travel Agents who are Blocking the Seats even when the Whole Aircraft is going empty .


Analyzing the Above Mentioned Points , it will be Evident the PIA is operating No flight for the Labor community who are found in FATA and Pakhtunkhwa and forcing them to come to Islamabad spending 5000 to 10,000  Rupees extra just to catch a PIA flight to Middle East .

While the Same Flight is Available in Peshawar due to Open Skies Policy of  Middle Eastern Airlines Emirates and Qatar Airways on cheaper Price , and Direct from  Peshawar to Middle East . So why would a man from FATA and Pakhtunkhwa working as Labourer , who is Stupid Enough to go on PIA which is offering expensive ticket and with No connection from Peshawar to Islamabad as there are no Daily flights from Peshawar to Islamabad

That Poor Man  is expected by the Stupid Directors and Managers is Expected to go on Local transport via Road to Islamabad and hang around uncomfortably on the Airport for say 5 to 10 Hours and the Board a PIA flight from Islamabad a City of only 1 Million People and where only 3 Lakhs are elites and rest of 70% are Poor and cant Travel and from Punjabi  not many Laborer work in Middle East . This is evident from Less Middle Eastern Airline Flights from Islamabad then from Peshawar which has more then  15 Daily Flights from Peshawar and only one or two from Islamabad .

This Kind of Stupidity only PIA and CAA can do and deny the PIA flight to Actual potential customer in Peshawar as Middle East Labour can be done by Stupid Most Directors of PIA and those who are Real Enemies of Pakistan and PIA and are Punjabi Chauvinists and Idiots to core. they are Damaging Pakistan and PIA as a result for their Racism and Stupidity .


Most of Directors and Manager of PIA as Punjabi's because of some Idiotic Quota System that does not recognize Merit and Intellectual Ability and people who should be put in disabled Institution are put in PIA as Managers and Directors as they are sons of Punjabi Generals and Punjabi Bureaucrats and others have come on Punjab benefiting Quota System .

Currently a Corrupt Business Man who is seller of Bags and Leather Wallets and runs a company and Known as """Jafer jee Leather goods """ is made Chairman of PIA and has no Knowledge of PIA and his only Qualification is Ass Kissing the Punjabi Generals and Politicians and Has been Involved in corruption Scandals before as he made Money in Nadra Data base subsidiary company and he made False data of CNIC of Government of Pakistan ID  cards and sold the Information to Enemies of the State , but still no Investigation has been carried out under Dictator Generals Musharaff .

Currently he is Ass kissing the Punjabi PM from land of Sikhs Amritsar ""Jati umra """now residing in Raiwind Lahore and PM of Pakistan who is Appointed the Seller of Leather Goods as Chairman PIA and he think he should make some Leather / Skin of Employee of PIA .  His solution to Everything is not common sense but Making Leather of Skins of Employees who work day and Night as Servants of the state of Pakistan and earn hard Earned Money for thier children and families .

His isolation to common sense is Idiocy and Stupidity and he has not made sure that PIA is made a Money saving or smart and Efficient Airline , rather they want to Bankrupt the Airline so that his Punjab Racist PM can buy it from Pakistan on 1/10 of its Actual value .

Day and Night chairman PIA and Advisor CAA Shujat Azeem an  Air force Drop out make schemes to do that.

They are Placing Aircraft at Places where there is no Load , Foe example Sialkot is right next to Lahore and they are Putting Aircrafts there as Sialkot is Home to Qadianis who are found in Management of PIA in Abundance and they want to help thier Brothers there and also are getting Bribes from Operators of Sialkot Airport which is a Private airport for Diverting the Aircrafts there .

Faisalabad and Multan and DG khan are smaller cities as compared to Peshawar as Peshawar has whole FATA attached where 15% of Pakistan Lives and far large Load of Passenger lies as compared to Multan , Faisalabad and Sialkot exists but Who will tell that to Stupid Punjabi Directors .

Previously the Condemned and Old Boeing 747 were Parked there instead of Karachi where its Hangers exists to make Money by these Same Director of PIA , and money was made in Partnership with Qadiani Operators of Sialkot private Airport as No common sense and Reason existed in making an Airport right next to Lahore Airport with an Ear Shot.


While Pia is running Gas Guzzling and Non Fuel Efficient Planes on Short Domestic Routes ,while it should run Planes that are more are smaller in size and not big Ones like Airbus A310 and Boeing 777 which are wide bodied Aircraft and have Heavy bodies and spend double the amount of Fuel as compare to A320 Airbus which are light weight and have Technologies that Allow Less Fuel consumption .

The Airbus A320 and also ATR 700 and 400 which are Aircraft that are very Fuel efficient and spend half the Fuel of A310 and Boeing 777 are not Used on Domestic and very Short haul Route like from Lahore to Islamabad or even from Karachi to Islamabad .

Using the wrong type of Aircraft causes the Extra Wear and Tear of Wide Bodied Aircrafts and Make them Old Qicker and thier Airframe Damaged .


The Mangers of PIA are stupid and idiots that are Implementing Rules for the travel Agents that are making PIA in loss while cancellation of Ticket within 24 Hours of Departure of PIA is not Penalized and the Person and Travel Agents who use this Flawed rule to Block the Seats and Hence no Seat Available Option is shown to People who really Want to travel .

if by any chance after Bribing the Travel Agents one is able to buy the PIA ticket one finds half the Aircraft empty and this is great Mystery to Many genuine Travelers  of PIA .

The reason is simple in the Sabre system of PIA the Punjabi Idiots as Director and Manager has made Rules that , if you cancle the Ticket even an hour before the Departure time you get full refund .

The travel Agents Blocks the seats even upto the Last One Hour of the departure and release them if they cant find the Passengers . But the PIA suffers as Seats goes empty making Huge Losses to PIA .

They Stupid Punjabi PIA Directors if they change this policy and Allow the Blocking of Seat for only 3 Hours only and Automatically canceling the Block and if Passenger buys the seat in full even then his Name should be retained on Passenger List , other wise penalties should be Imposed on cancellation of Seats  like 50% or 75% on cancellation with 48 Hour and 24 Hours of Departure of flight .


Those who are running affairs of PIA don't under Stand the Passenger are the Boss and have to be given due comfort of Good connecting flight from Peshawar to International Route or Give a connecting fligth from Peshawar to Islamabad or Karachi to catch the flight to Middle East or other International Destination .

It is Shocking that , there are no connecting Flights from Peshawar to Islamabad or Karachi although Peshawar is the Only International Airport of the whole Province of Pakhtunkhwa  and similar case Exists in Quetta the only Airport in Baluchistan Province.  

As a result confirmed Passenger who would Love to Travel via PIA are left at mercy of Middle Easter Airlines who take them Directly from Peshawar or Quetta to Middle East .

It is Akin to handing your Money free to Middle Eastern Airlines like Emirates , Gulf Airline , Qatar Airways and Also Air Arabia and Eitahad Airlines which were Nothing in comparison to PIA .

Stupid Punjabi Bureaucrats and PIA Managers and Directors are Selling their Mother land to Middle Eastern for Free .


While the bulk of PIA Profit is from tribal Labour bound to to Middle East  and Also from Haj Operation from FATA and Pakhtunkhwa and Baluchistan there is not a single Airport in FATA from where fligths can be Operated by PIA . For next 50 Years PIA and Punjabi Racists manager have Planned that such Facility should never be Provided to them , which is an Undeniable fact .

they will have to Depend on Islamabad and Peshawar for next 50 Years , and False Statistics are generated at Islamabad Airport which has very less Load but all the load of Peshawar and FATA are shown as Load at Islamabad and I trillion Rupees were spent to make the New Islamabad Airport while it is not Functional as there is not Enough Water in Islamabad to run it as it lies on a Platue a raised Mountainous Area with Flat Area on top on which Islamabad and Rawalpindi  Exists and water has to be brought from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for Islamabad and Rawalpindi from Dams in Khanpur and Turbella Ghazi Barotha Projects.

The Racism and Narrow Mindness of Punjabi's  exists in our Managers and it has ruined failed Islamabad Airport as A failed Project and with corruption worth multi billions and Bad Planning and not catering to Business and Market Dynamics

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Punjabi Idiots in form of Wallet and Bag Sellers who were Involved in Corruption scams of Nadra contractors and also a Disgraced and Kicked Out officer of Pakistan Airfoce who is not having Proper Education and also was Involved in murder of Lebanon PM Rafique Hariaris as Agent of CIA and having Links with Pakistan Enemies are Ruining PIA systematically .

They are not the "" One Thing that is Required and is matter of Common Sense"" which is Talk and Talk to Pilots who are National Asset and are difficult to find and instead Worthless and with common sense Punjabi Idiots are making Decisions that is Ruining PIA and causing Loss to Pakistan and Benefiting their coffers with Money Going to Private Airlines . These Enemies of State of Pakistan  should be Removed on Immediate basis rather Kicked out .

This Wallets and Bag Seller ""Seth of Jaffer brothers"""  and a Dirty corrupt Business Man  wants to Bankrupt PIA so that they can Loot and Plunder PIA and Make it their Property and has no Education and No Knowledge of Air line and is only capable of Milking cows and making thier skin into Boots and Chamcha Giris of Militry Dictators and Fascist's is his only Qualification apart from being a Corrupt thief .

Similarly the CAA run by Unqualified and Stupid Idiots is poking its noose into Matters of PIA that can harm them and also because of that Enemy of the State Drummed out and Disgraced Air force Dreop and CIA agents mr Shujat Azeem , is out  playing behind the scenes

ISLAMABAD / KARACHI: Even as the Pakistan Navy and other private airlines came to the rescue of the national flag carrier, at least 21 PIA pilots and co-pilots reported ‘sick’ on Tuesday, a move that is bound to take a toll on the airline’s already-taxed flight operations.

Addressing a press conference on Tuesday, PIA Chairman Naseer N.S. Jaffer said that though details of the ongoing negotiations between the Pakistan Airline Pilots Association and the Aviation Division could not be discussed publicly, the “unacceptable demands” of pilots would not be accepted.

He said that if the pilots stuck to their guns, the issue would continue to linger, adding that there had to be some give-and-take. “Senior airline officials cannot be replaced on the pilots’ demand,” he added.

Referring to the negotiations as ‘Plan A’, Mr Jaffer said that the airline also had a ‘Plan B’, whereby it had sought assistance from the Navy, which had provided two ATR planes and pilots. Other private airlines had also chipped in, agreeing to provide pilots for the Airbus A-320.

He said Palpa representatives had ignored the Aviation Division’s first call for a meeting, and that when they did show up on Sunday, the government preferred to meet them first. Even though he has not yet met Palpa President Amir Hashmi to discuss the issue, the PIA chief said that the airline was prepared to hammer out an agreement with the pilots “as we have been directed by the prime minister to solve this issue”.

On Tuesday, the Civil Aviation Authority constituted a medical board to examine the 21 pilots and co-pilots who reported ‘sick’.

According to a press release issued by PIA, the CAA medical board will examine the pilots’ medical and psychological condition to ascertain their professional viability.

Most travellers are now avoiding PIA flights. On Tuesday, at least two PIA flights from Benazir Bhutto International Airport were cancelled on the sixth day of the pilots’ strike.

However, flight inquiry remained flooded with phone calls, asking whether PIA flights were operating or not.

PIA spokesman Aamir Memon told Dawn that one domestic flight from Islamabad was cancelled because of “poor passenger load”, while a Karachi-Gwadar-Muscat flight was cancelled due to “crew constraints”.

Farooq Ahmed, a passenger on a Karachi-bound PIA flight, told Dawn that he expected the plane would leave on time. But on the other side of the lounge, Mohammad Fazal, clutching a private airline ticket, said: “We already know that PIA pilots have refused to fly. That is why I’m flying on a private airline, even though the ticket costs more,” he said.

Meanwhile, Palpa has decided to complain to the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) over the role of CAA in support of the Aviation Division and PIA.

Palpa general secretary Sohail Ahmed said: “We have decided to contact ICAO against the CAA for facilitating unjust actions to victimise pilots who reported sick in legal framework of ICAO’s Air Navigation Order (ANO), Personnel Policies Manual (PPM), Operations Manual (OM) and PIA-Palpa working agreement.”

He said the certificate issuing authority should first consult the aviation rules and regulations as if the same were reported to the ICAO the CAA would become a laughing stock and the international organisation might decide to downgrade the CAA in its upcoming review.

Mr Ahmed said that aviation authorities globally promoted a culture where the pilots were the best judges of themselves to determine if they could fly a plane full of passengers or would become a safety risk themselves. Nowhere in the world the pilots were a subject of media trial over their basic duty as calling in sick was not a privilege but a duty in the world of aviation, he added.

He said the Air Navigation Order’s Clause No 7.2 clearly states: “Crewmembers shall not act as operating crew if they know, or suspect, that their physical or mental condition renders them unfit to operate. Furthermore, they must not fly if they know that they are, or likely to be, in breach of this ANO. Crewmembers also have the responsibility to make optimum use of the opportunities and facilities for rest provided and for planning and using their rest periods properly in order to minimise incurring fatigue.”

Published in Dawn, October 7th, 2015 :