Every time PIA comes in Media they only talk of Operational Employees of PIA that there is overpopulated employees and a figure is Quoted of high number of employees and so Little Aircraft, and a wrong Impression of PIA is Projected Intentionally or unintentionally as Free Tickets worth 5 Billions according to recent Audit of PIA Bribe to Non PIA personal , by CEO Political Appointee by PMLn Mr Cyan Musharaff as an Educationist / head master now projected Falsely as Aviation Expert , Such Lies have been Dished out ,by the Press People receiving share in these Free Tickets ? worth 5 Billion Rupees as recent Audit has revealed .
PIA is unique Airline that it is not just an Airline but has Ancillary and Supporting Services , it also Runs
1. Hotels
2. Poultry Farms
3. Kitchens
4. Engineering Services for Aircraft's
5. which is Largest in Asia and Middle east
6. Ground Services,
7. Housing colonies
8. Medical Hospitals and clinics
9. Passenger and Ground Handling Services
10. Transport Services even when it has Contractor's for Transport
11. Cargo
12. Parcel services like Speedex
13. PIA owns a lot of Real Estate Properties in Pakistan and Abroad in Foreign countries
14. Legal Department .
15 Loaders
16 Museums
17 Sports Section
18 Girls and Boy Scouts and Volunteer's
Such Facilities other Airlines does not do own and have as well and People maintaining it are also counted as PIA Employees
Most of Employees are non Permanent and Daily Wagers who Receive Daily Salary and no Benefits , can be Fired Instantly in a day and this Impression of more than Required employees is a joke with People of Pakistan
Press Screams at us that all the wrongs is because of large number of PIA employees and it is Mismanaged because of large number of employees and it is such a wrong and Biased Pakistani Media that is portraying a wrong Picture of PIA . It Targets mostly employees or specially the operational Employees of PIA that Is basis of PIA Losses falsely , maybe the Press is run by uneducated Professionals who don’t know how to read the Management issue that may be the cases as most of Press people are BA pass and not MBA or management experts or with Financial Degrees .
Fact of Matter is this All the Salaries of PIA is only 12-15 Percent of Total PIA Balance Sheet and that is nothing as even top 5 Airlines of the world like Emirates and Turkish Airline the Balance sheet of Employees Salaries is 30 to 35 Percent . Clearly double then PIA .
What Press does not tell you if PIA has 35 Aircrafts there are more than 100 GM and Directors and CEO and each have Salaries in Millions, mostly Political Employees appointed by Breaking PIA rules and Regulations and Merit and leaving Original Employee of PIA Not promoted with Seniority, Non Merit People like Mr Cyan who was a Head Master of educational Institution is CEO of National Asset Airline and has not a single day experience of Running an Airline .
Why PIA should not reduce the TOP heavy Managers and Directors and Fire such Incompetent Directors and CEO whose Salary is more then whole 12000 Employees put together worth Millions each Directors /GM ,s and even when they serve for a Month , they get Tickets and Benefits for whole life which is rip off and incredible . PIA can be run by only 3 or 4 GM and Directors.
Mr Cyan Salary is 2 Million a month and he has employed a whole Secretariat and bunch of People to serve him and where ever he goes he takes all his entourage and incurs Hotel bills in Millions for a Day and his telephone bill is worth Millions a month and performance is zero .
All he has done is Changing Uniforms and also Painting Aircrafts with Ugly Animal Faces pf Markhor on its trails and removing flag of Pakistan .
Mr Musharaff Cyan doing non Developmental work and picketing commissions in Millions and giving loss to PIA Deliberately , by doing Fashion shows in Paris spending Millions on Useless Venture that has no Productive Value for PIA and rubbish Marketing schemes and Dancing in Aircraft of Cabin Crew while getting thee Stupid Dumb Ideas from You tube from other Airlines
While not improving the Inside of Aircrafts with Broken seats and Entertainment Systems , or even providing Blankets or Pillows for passenger comfort and he has Hired A320 Aircrafts without even Provisions of Ovens so that International Flights to Gulf countries are operated without even Providing any Hot food to Passengers.
Emirates Airlines and Etihad having 10 times more Aircraft and earn more than 10 times of PIA has 3 Directors only and we have in 100,s Directors / CEOS,s and GM,s for 35 Aircraft only .
Irony is this that employees of PIA salaries are withheld for half a Year s/ ix months at a Stretch and they are forced to live without Salary one case in Point is Cabin Crew and Pilots who have to go to Foreign Stations do not receive Dollars meant for eating Food and Travel , they are forced take loans from other people to get by Necessity of Life and resort to Means of solving this problem shamefully while these corrupt Managers GM ,s and Directors CEO, s spend millions per day on Useless and in Productive issues that don't make a Difference to PIA well being.
I request the chief Justice of Pakistan to Address this Real issue of PIA as it is Hearing the case in Supreme court of PIA and he should also Call the CEO of PIA before 2008 which he clearly Missed to call as PIA was in Trouble since 1998 and open Skies Polices not in 2008 .
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